Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Gamer's Corner 12/28: Left 4 Dead News, Towerfall Ascension - Dark World Trailer...






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Monday, December 26, 2016

Gamer's Corner 12/26: Pilmin 4 news, Evoland Trailer...







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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A $200 Gaming PC -- Really?

Can you enjoy a $200 gaming PC? Check out the video below:

While the title of the video calls the build a Google Chrome gaming PC, it's a bit of a misnomer. The intent of the video is to show a very (very) basic build that will allow you to play most of your favorite games albeit with low settings. According to the video's creator Youtuber ShutterVolt Tech "I only mean to say Google Chrome because this is a very basic PC, it's not great by any means, but it is a $200 gaming pc build nonetheless." I would like to mention that he also forgot to mention that the $200 price tag only points to the hardware portion and not the cost of the operating system. So if a person doesn't have Windows they'll need to purchase it which will change the overall cost of the system build. A way around that is to use a free operating system like Ubuntu but that is a tale for another time. Would you be interested in a PC build like this?

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