Friday, September 4, 2020

Get Ahead in IT with this Completely Free Cisco CCDP Course

The good people over at has generously release a complete Cisco CCDP course for free. The course is their old course, but don't be dismayed because you can use much of the information discussed in the course in current CCNA and CCNP exams. The course is 9 hours long and covers...
  • MPLS 
  • Virtualization
  • Subnet design 
  • Qos design 
and a lot more! If you're interested check out the video below:

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Google Apps: How to Make Homeschooling More Dynamic

Covid-19 has altered the way we do things but it doesn't have to be a total killjoy. Your kids may be taking classes at home online, but they can still enjoy a rich learning experience right from their phone with the help of Google apps. Check out the apps below to help your kids have a daily dose of adventure.                                                

Cardboard Use your phone and this app for cool Virtual Reality experience 
Google Lens Translate text, identify plants and even identify landmarks with this app.  
Google Earth Experience buildings and different locations around the world without leaving home.