Friday, August 5, 2011

Beauty Of The Baud: Maltego Information Gathering Backtrack 5

Information gathering or foot-printing is generally a first step of Ethical hacking/penetration testing process. The more information you have the more chance of success, information gathering is the important phase because all of the process of hacking based on information that you have. Backtrack and specially Backtrack 5 contain a list of tools that will help you to gather information as DNSenum for DNS information gathering.

Maltego is an intelligent application that will help you to gather maximum information about people about networks and more, it has a broad features to discuss but the main aim of writing this article is not to discuss the feature of maltego but the aim is to demonstrate maltego on the platform of backtrack5. 

Maltego tutorial has been discussed before on ubuntu with videos click here to learn.
  • For bt5, go to Applications-->Backtrack-->Information Gathering-->Network Analysis-->DNS Analysis-->Maltego
  • The first windows will ask you to register your product. 

    • After registration you will able to use maltego, if you will not register your product than you will not able to use it.
    • On the top there is a two tabs, Investigate and Manage
    • Go on manage tab than open a new page
    • There are a lot of different entities available on the screen but the main option is Palette option that is available on left side, if you will not register the product than you would not recognize it.
    • Now at this point everything is same as discussed on the previous maltego tutorial, follow the tutorial to run and use it.

    FootPrinting-Information Gathering Tutorial

    FootPrinting-First Step Of Ethical Hacking

    Dnsmap- DNS Network Mapper

    Backtrack 5- DNSenum Information Gathering Tool

    Note: If you want to learn more about Linux and Windows based Penetration testing, you might want to subscribe our RSS feed and Email Subscription  or become our Facebook fan! You will get all the latest updates at both the places.

    1 comment:

    1. Hello Thanx For the Post,But I am getting stuck somewhere Can u help me.while doing so as you describe in i am getting an error while clicking the maltego to launch

      error is as follows:-
      An instance of the program cannot specified user directory.This is a serious problem that may prevent the program to function properly.
      Make sure /home/shankar/.maltego/v3.1.1BT is writeable.

      Click ok to continue in spite of Previous error.

      two options ok or Cancel.

      here shankar is my name.
      while pressing ok nothing happening waiting for more then 10 mins.Can u help me in this.

