Mark this on your calendars. 2020 is expected to be the year of the woman. The gender gap that's plaguing American business now is predicted to vanish by within the next 6 years if current trends continue:
[MIT economist David Autor and Melanie Wasserman recently released a study that focused on gender-related trends in the workplace in comparison to education. The study concluded that the gender gap in wages is shrinking, and they equated this shrinking to the underperformance of males in school in relation to females.
Like the studies previously discussed, Autor and Wasserman’s findings show wages for women have increased “substantially more” than males in recent decades. This increase correlates to increased graduation rates for women and decreased rates for men:
While males born in the 1930s and 40s had a 10% higher likelihood to attend college over females, college attendance rates reached gender parity for those born in the 50s. But for those born in the 1970s, females were 17% more likely to attend college and 23% more likely to earn a four-year degree than males.
The study found that these stats directly correlate to earning power, as males without college degrees saw their earnings fall anywhere between 5% and 25% in the last 30 years. These stats suggest, the study argues, “that an emerging economic gender gap favoring women is developing.
...While these reports undoubtedly will do little to quell the debate regarding gender roles in the workplace, they should at the very least highlight the progress made by women in business. As experts suggest wages and positions of gender in business will reach parity by 2020, the aforementioned studies show there is still a bit of work to be done to reach equality.”] source:
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