Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Instagram. Instagram's death was sudden. I remember hearing the news and just I couldn't believe it -- so young, so vibrant and full of life, how could it all be over this quick? I was overwhelmed by sadness, but I remembered that in such a short amount of time, Instagram lived a full life.
I met Instagram through mutual friends and we quickly hit if off and developed our own friendship. When I was bored or sad, I could always count on Instagram to be there to give me something constructive to do and lift my spirits; a true friend indeed. Instagram was always the life of the party and best of all knew how to keep things private; well until it started hanging around with the wrong crowd. Their influence proved to be too strong, and that was when things started to go downhill.
They didn't care much about Instagram's friends and started spying on every single person linked to Instagram. Being such a manipulative jerk, that so called friend talked Instagram into focusing solely on money and sacrificing its friends to do so. They even talked Instagram into allowing others to use their photos as a means to making money. No one is really sure how those guys got to Instagram, some say they bought out Instagram but what's known for sure is the strain they caused on all of Instagram's friends was unbearable and people began to drop one by one; and I know that began to kill Instagram slowly. I'm sure it was a slow, and agonizing death, but the truth of the matter is it wasn't necessary at all.
I believe in my heart if Instagram needed money, it could have suggested products or shown us ads from time to time we would have been more than happy to help out, but it never gave us that chance. So -- loved by many and known as a true friend. I am forever grateful for Instagram coming into my life when it did, and I will cherish the memories we shared. Now go on my friend, and until we met again in that big photo book in the sky.
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