Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Gamer's Corner 5/28/14: PS4 Update, Chronology, Transistor...

Take a journey into one of the largest grossing segments in the world of I.T. and enjoy upcoming video game trailers, walkthroughs, reviews, and much more!





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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Gamer's Corner 5/20/14: C.O.D Patriots, Anomaly Defenders, Top 5 Awkward Games...

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Upcoming Event: Cloud & Virtualization Webcast

Demo of Power or Windows/Linux products 

Date: May 22, 2014
Time: 10-11AM EDT & 3-4PM EDT(Windows/Linux)
9-10AM EDT & 2-3PM EDT(Power)
Speakers: Nolan Bushnell and Tom Davenport

Summary: "Join us for these 30 minute Cloud & Virtualization Demo Webcasts from Vision Solutions showcasing Double-Take Availability for vSphere or MIMIX Availability.

Topics include:

  • The latest Cloud and Virtualization trends in the marketplace 
  • How companies protect workloads, even when virtualized or already in the Cloud 
  • A discussion on how companies are migrating to the cloud or virtual systems 
  • Our review of common Cloud scenarios and topologies "source

Monday, May 12, 2014

What A Bad Boss Means To You And Your Health

We've all had a bad boss at some point in our career, ranging from incompetent to arrogant, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know bad bosses can make the workplace (and your life) a living hell; but what, if any effect do they have on your overall health?

The good folks over at Docstoc put together a nifty little article that breaks down the effect bad bosses have on the workplace, global economy and perhaps most importantly -- your health. Here's an excerpt:

 "The easiest consequence of bad management to spot is its toll on productivity. Retaliatory slowdowns are bound to take place, as is an overall lack of motivation, which will further deplete production. This is evident in Inc.’s study, which asked workers how they respond to bad managers:
  1.      33% don’t put in maximum effort
  2.      30% slow down or purposefully make errors
  3.      29% take sick days despite not being ill
  4.      27% hide from their boss
  5.      25% took more or longer breaks 
Each of these rates are at least three-times the rates of respondents with “non-abusive” bosses, which is a testament to how detrimental poor management is on both workers’ morale and their quality of work. And the fact that workers chose to go these routes instead of bringing to light their concerns means these acts occur on a daily basis without the boss knowing or getting a chance to rectify them."
Click here to view the entire article!
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Monday, May 5, 2014

#AmazonCart: Amazon & Twitter's Brilliant New Way To Shop

Shopping via social media will become the wave of the future thanks to Amazon and Twitter's recent partnership. The two companies joined forces to bring Twitter users a new way to shop while tweeting.

Suppose someone tweets a link to an Amazon product you're interested in, by simply replying to that tweet with the hashtag "AmazonCart" that product will be sent to your Amazon shopping cart, it's just that simple. Before you start going #AmazonCart crazy, here's a couple things you need to know first.

You'll need to have an Amazon and a Twitter account. You'll then to connect the accounts to each other (to do that click here). Here's a little more information from Amazon's FAQ page:

"Why do I need to connect my Twitter account? 
By connecting your Twitter and Amazon accounts, you are telling Amazon that #AmazonCart requests coming from your Twitter account should be added to your Shopping Cart. Without that link, Amazon would not know to which customer’s Cart to add the item. To edit your connection preferences, visit your Social Settings or opt out of having Amazon respond to your #AmazonCart requests here (your accounts must be connected in order to opt out). 

Am I buying it when I reply with "#AmazonCart"? 
No, replying with "#AmazonCart" will only save the item to your Cart. You can always review or edit your Cart at a later time. You will also receive a reply tweet from @MyAmazon describing the status of your request (e.g., whether the item was successfully added to your Cart, if it was out of stock, or how you can finish checking out later). 

Who can see what I’ve added to my Cart? 
Most content is public on Twitter, so your #AmazonCart replies will be visible to whomever you replied, to those viewing the conversation, and on your own Timeline (unless your Twitter account is set to private)." source

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Gamer's Corner 5/5/14: League of Legends, Destiny, MSI Nightblade...

Take a journey into one of the largest grossing segments in the world of I.T. and enjoy upcoming video game trailers, walkthroughs, reviews, and much more!






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Friday, May 2, 2014

Gamer's Corner 5/2/14: Natural Doctrine, Rocksmith 2014, Amazing Spider Man 2...

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