Friday, March 18, 2016

Kudos Protonmail: Secure Email For All!

The once invite-only email service from ProtonMail is now available to everyone. What exactly does that mean? Simply put, "you get secure email!" (in Oprah Winfrey's voice). It basically means that you can send and receive email without being snooped on by the government. They won't be able to intercept your emails and see those messages so critical to national security like what's for dinner tonight? can you pick up the kids from soccer practice?  Or the dare I say -- that meatloaf was great last night.

All sarcasm aside making ProtonMail available to everyone comes as great news because the last thing the average American citizen needs is to be spied on. We're too busy trying to figure out how to survive in these trying times. The Hacker News reports:

[ProtonMail has been invite-only since 2014, but now the email service has made itself available to everyone and launched new mobile apps.

If you opt for a free account, you'll get all of the basic features including:
  • A smart-looking app to access your end-to-end encrypted emails easily 
  • 500MB of storage capacity 
  • Sending 150 Messages per day 
  • Two-factor authentication to access your encrypted email inbox 
To increase storage capacity, you can purchase ProtonMail's paid accounts.

Even if someone intercepts your communication, he/she can not read your conversations because all emails you send or receive with other ProtonMail users are automatically encrypted end-to-end by the service.] Read more here!

Do yourself a favor and watch the video below to see exactly what extent the U.S. government has gone to keep tabs on its own people and then you'll realize the beauty of ProtonMail:

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