Thursday, July 14, 2011

Beauty Of The Baud: Computer Forensic Framework-PTK

"Computer forensic is a branch of digital forensic science and an act to investigate, analyze, identify and collect evidence or information which is encoded or store.
Computer forensic science is a growing field and different colleges offers variety of degree in this field, however there are different tools and tricks available to do the job done. In backtrack 5 there is a separate section for forensic tools.

Beside tools and tricks there are numerous training available on Internet.
PTK forensics is a computer forensic framework for the command line tools in the SleuthKit plus much more software modules. This makes it usable and easy to investigate a system.

PTK forensics is more than just a new graphic and highly professional interface based on Ajax and other advanced technologies; it offers numerous features such as analysis, search and management of complex digital investigation cases." source:

For more information click here!

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