Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Randi Zuckerber Wants Online Anonymity To End

What is it with the Zuckerbergs? It seems they are so against privacy it's beginning to become disturbing. In regards to cyber-crimes and cyber-bullying I can understand their point, but a one size fits all method to stopping those problems is not the way to go about it.

Anytime a person's real information is put online it can be misused in the hands of those with malicious intent. For instance, knowing a person's name, age, city of residence, and a few searches can yield vital information including their current address. Access to them via a social network can yield realtime information such as their current whereabouts. Depending on the intent, we can see the switch from a cyber crime to a real-world crime; whether it be stalking, robbing the person's home, etc.

Will ending online anonymity stop cyber crimes? No. Will it curve cyber crime? Perhaps. Keep in mind everyday real-world crimes are committed by people who aren't hiding behind an online identity, yet still commit crimes. Food for thought.

Click here to read the article.

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