Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Could 'The Leap' Be The Beginning Of The End For The Mouse?

Throughout my studies in IT I've always heard of Microsoft and Apple stealing borrowing the computer  mouse from Xerox leading me to believe that perhaps Xerox developed it; however, today I ran across a name that should be mentioned in every A+ certification book and computer science course -- Douglas Engelbart, the man responsible for the invention of the first mouse somewhere around 1964. In 1970 he received a patent (patent # 3,541,541) for the device known as a "X-Y Position Indicator For A Display System." 

The mouse has had a good run thus far (40+ years ain't too shabby), but with innovations like The Leap by Leap Motion, the mouse may be close to seeing it's last days. Check out the video below and let me know if technology like The Leap will bring about the demise of the computer mouse:


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