Friday, July 13, 2012

Gamers Corner: Have You Heard About OuYa?

If you haven't heard about the Ouya allow me to fill you in. Ouya is a new kick-ass gaming console that has the potential to level the video game playing field, making it easier for game developers to develop games for the television (apparently in the current closed industry that's extremely difficult). While Ouya isn't meant to be in direct competition with 'The Big Three' (Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo) it is still venturing into their territory.

I'd like to imagine Ouya emerging on the gaming scene like a young fearless David on the battlefield against not one -- not two -- but three Goliaths and fortunately Ouya has three stones in its satchel. Not that I have anything against the Big Three, but I'm all for leveling playing fields and putting power in the hands of the little guy (not to mention I like a good fight every once in a while). A few notable things are that the Ouya is open source, built on Android, hackable, and extremely affordable (how does $99 sound to ya?) Check out the video below:

For more information on the Ouya click here.


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