Thursday, July 12, 2012

How To Stay Creative

It's a well known fact that just about every great writer has experienced writers block at certain times in their careers. If you ask 100 writers how they get past the block, I'm sure you'll get close to 100 unique answers. I've acquired a few methods over the years that always seem to help me get past writers block. Things like taking frequent breaks to allow the mind to rest, forcing yourself to work through the block, and doing something none related to the topic you're writer about have all helped me when I hit the infamous writer's roadblock.

What happens when your creativity well seems to run dry? How do you get those creative juices flowing again? I happen to be an artist and from time to time, I design things for people and when it comes time to come up with an idea, my mind goes blank. I'm sure this may happen to you as well. Whether you're an artist, author, or systems administrator you need to use a certain amount of creativity to get the job done, and a lack of creativity can be a pain in the derriere, but do not fret I have come across 29 ways for you to stay creative. Check out the video below:


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